::> Return of the Antichrist: Who produces this kind of propaganda; what are the intentions behind it?
Ghost Dog (1000+ posts) | Mon Jun-02-08 11:09 PM Original message |
Return of the Antichrist: Who produces this kind of propaganda; what are the intentions behind it? |  |
 | Edited on Mon Jun-02-08 11:32 PM by Ghost Dog
Note Obama and Hillary there as Antichrists. Not McSame.
The "Most Discussed" Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11iCmzGnOI8
This is "soft-selling" Apocalypse? Apart from simplistic money-making ends, with what motives? |
Replies to this thread |
Herdin_Cats (1000+ posts) | Mon Jun-02-08 11:12 PM Response to Original message |
1. Enya as the accompaniment to the apocolypse? |
 | Edited on Mon Jun-02-08 11:15 PM by Herdin_Cats Why of course. That's only natural. |
msongs (1000+ posts) | Mon Jun-02-08 11:14 PM Response to Original message |
2. fear, hate, and the desire to generate tons of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ mostly nt |
Ghost Dog (1000+ posts) | Mon Jun-02-08 11:29 PM Response to Reply #2 |
3. But not "Softening Folks Up" so that an attack on Iran, say, gets taken for granted |  |
 | in the "Light Of What's Coming"?
(note:  |
madrchsod (1000+ posts) | Mon Jun-02-08 11:29 PM Response to Original message |
4. i`d say the Mayans were off a bit... |
 | their world ended a few hundred years ago.... |
zonmoy (1000+ posts) | Mon Jun-02-08 11:57 PM Response to Reply #4 |
5. Mayans are still around. they just no longer have a great civilization. |
OwnedByFerrets (1000+ posts) | Tue Jun-03-08 12:14 AM Response to Reply #5 |
6. Not long before amerika can say that...nt |
zonmoy (1000+ posts) | Tue Jun-03-08 12:28 AM Response to Reply #6 |
7. all things come to an end. |
Ghost Dog (1000+ posts) | Tue Jun-03-08 02:30 AM Response to Original message |
8. Although an ecologist/environmentalist, I see some of this "End of the World" material as PSYOPS |  |
 | Edited on Tue Jun-03-08 03:11 AM by Ghost Dog designed to prepare the sheep for future maneuvering by coordinated parties among the so-called "super-rich elite".
edit: eg. something to do with this kind of material: (?) I'm just pointing out that these are some of the 'talking points' that are being put about...
Today the empire of the Babylonian slave-drivers is now under threat like never before. First of all, large masses of humanity freed themselves from a form of Masonic slavery known as Colonialism. These people then began to gain both economic and intellectual power. The biggest threat now is the rise of China and India.
The 10,000 illuminati are now outnumbered by the humans they want to enslave by a ratio of close to 700,000 to one. With non-controlled humanity gaining in economic, military and intellectual power, the illuminati feel extremely scared and vulnerable. Cultures not under direct illuminati control now account for 83% of the World’s population and over 60% of its wealth.
To deal with this situation, David Rockefeller and the descendants of J.P. Morgan and Averil Harriman (including the Bush family) cooked up an incredibly horrendous scheme to slaughter billions of the world’s free people and then take advantage of the trauma of slaughter to enslave the rest.
The plan calls for an artificial armagedon to be launched that would start with a never ending “war on terror,” followed by plagues, famine and possibly even a fake, and very lethal, alien invasion fleet.
The plan was so evil that it provoked a split in the illuminati ranks. A rebel group, centered around Jay Rockefeller and most of the Rothschilds, tried to take power from David Rockefeller and his clique with a so-called war on Global Warming. The plan was to neutralize one of the David Rockefeller clique’s main sources of power: their control over oil. The Rothschilds also refused to finance the war in Iraq. Since their headquarters are in Europe (the BIS) they decided instead to try to turn the EU into a Babylonian style world monarchy.
To finance David’s insane campaign, the Japanese people have been forced to work harder for lower pay. To maximize tribute payments from the Japanese, David Rockefeller also forced the Japanese government to hand him control of their entire banking system. The Japanese government tried to refuse and were threatened into submission with a new array of high-tech weaponry, including, if you can believe this, a weapon that caused an earthquake in Niigata Japan.
However, despite Japanese money, the plan is coming apart at the seams and threatening to end the entire illuminati long-term campaign to enslave humanity. The war in Iraq turned into a disaster. People caught on that 911 was an inside job. Vladimir Putin kicked them out of Russia.
The David Rockefeller faction now only really control North America and England.
And now that the Chinese secret societies have found out about race-specific diseases being aimed at them, they will start assassinating the entire David Rockefeller faction unless this criminally insane plan is called off.
/...http://benjaminfulford.com/Howthe.html |
TrogL (1000+ posts) | Tue Jun-03-08 03:11 AM Response to Original message |
 | These Pretenders need to get a grip |
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