There are a lot of believers already in the US. | tekisui | Jun-25-08 11:24 AM | #1 |
  End of era and London Olympic Games. | emad | Jun-25-08 11:26 AM | #2 |
  The end of one era just means the beginning of new one. | tanyev | Jun-25-08 12:19 PM | #15 |
   YES! | Myrina | Jun-25-08 07:48 PM | #66 |
  Uh, the Maya live in Central America, not South America. n/t | DrRang | Jun-25-08 01:16 PM | #26 |
   Uh... the Maya aren't alive anymore... | heliarc | Jun-25-08 10:42 PM | #81 |
  some think | shanti | Jun-25-08 03:18 PM | #48 |
 The Mayan Daykeepers say this is a false interpretation of their calendars | SpiralHawk | Jun-25-08 11:26 AM | #3 |
  From the link: "Just now the dark side is very strong..." | SpiralHawk | Jun-25-08 11:35 AM | #5 |
   Thanks for posting this. It's wonderful to see a more enlightened explanation, after | Judi Lynn | Jun-25-08 11:48 AM | #12 |
  Thank you, Spiral Hawk, | tekisui | Jun-25-08 11:42 AM | #8 |
  Absolutely right | ayeshahaqqiqa | Jun-25-08 11:46 AM | #10 |
  thank your for that | FLDem5 | Jun-25-08 01:07 PM | #23 |
  Anthropologists are the ones who will tell you | nodehopper | Jun-25-08 01:19 PM | #29 |
  Thank you, Spiral Hawk. | redqueen | Jun-25-08 03:13 PM | #46 |
  SpiralHawk: question - when did we go to war with Iraq? | stubtoe | Jun-25-08 04:08 PM | #55 |
   March 20, 2003 | SpiralHawk | Jun-25-08 04:44 PM | #59 |
  I'm ready for a bit of transformation myself. | Blue_In_AK | Jun-25-08 08:25 PM | #68 |
  The Catastrophe of PEACE breaking out? | IanDB1 | Jun-25-08 08:59 PM | #71 |
 Dec 21 2012... The earth is aligned with our black hole..... | Joanne98 | Jun-25-08 11:29 AM | # |
  2012 is when Galactica gets to earth! | Political Heretic | Jun-25-08 10:10 PM | #78 |
 it's been here; it'll 'pick up speed' as the date approaches | eShirl | Jun-25-08 11:29 AM | #4 |
 will probably be lots of pre-owned boats for sale in 2013 Netherlands | Algorem | Jun-25-08 11:38 AM | #6 |
  they'll need them to withstand global warming - prob. the more probable disaster | crikkett | Jun-25-08 12:36 PM | #17 |
 that's probably why they'd buy a boat,but they know how to keep water out, | Algorem | Jun-25-08 01:22 PM | #31 |
 it's not the knowledge it's the will | crikkett | Jun-25-08 02:40 PM | #41 |
 So much for the idea that Europeans are smarter than us. | mwb970 | Jun-25-08 11:41 AM | #7 |
  Those were my thoughts exactly. | The Stranger | Jun-25-08 01:08 PM | #24 |
  There's absolutely no reason | laptoprepairguy | Jun-25-08 01:45 PM | #34 |
  Yeah they just know how to hide it better. We worship our stupid over here n/t | Indenturedebtor | Jun-25-08 09:23 PM | #72 |
 Uh, the end of the Mayan calendar isn't breaking news | ayeshahaqqiqa | Jun-25-08 11:44 AM | #9 |
 I'd be much more worried about this if the world hadn't ended in 2000. | sofa king | Jun-25-08 11:48 AM | #11 |
  Lol! First belly laugh of the day, thanks! nt | glitch | Jun-25-08 02:55 PM | #43 |
 McCain doesn't get re-elected and nukes everything | DS1 | Jun-25-08 11:55 AM | #13 |
 Hoax, poor translation of the dutch article. | BB1 | Jun-25-08 11:57 AM | #14 |
  Thank you for the "reality check", BB1! | Dogtown | Jun-25-08 12:39 PM | #18 |
  Thank you. I didn't think the Dutch people were that stupid. nt | raccoon | Jun-25-08 12:45 PM | #19 |
  Well, if it is a hoax, it's getting a lot of play. | riverdeep | Jun-25-08 05:15 PM | #62 |
 True enough. I just never heard of a single one, | BB1 | Jun-25-08 07:50 PM | #67 |
 Wow... | Stuckinthebush | Jun-25-08 12:30 PM | #16 |
  Do you know any Maya? Their calendar is far more astronomically accurate than | SpiralHawk | Jun-25-08 12:47 PM | #20 |
   I love researching this stuff | TexasLady | Jun-25-08 01:16 PM | #27 |
   Indeed | Stuckinthebush | Jun-25-08 01:17 PM | #28 |
    The World Ends Tomorrow and YOU may DIE | semillama | Jun-25-08 01:22 PM | #30 |
    The Maya are not offering any End Times prophecy | SpiralHawk | Jun-25-08 01:41 PM | #33 |
   They don't get it because they don't want to get it, SH | Desertrose | Jun-25-08 04:28 PM | #57 |
   I don't laugh at the astronomy | Stuckinthebush | Jun-25-08 04:28 PM | #58 |
   So accuracy in measuring the length of a solar year is helpfull in predicting the future? | progressoid | Jun-25-08 02:18 PM | #39 |
  No more relevant than the predictions of a superstitious people of 2,000 years ago, riight? | yardwork | Jun-25-08 03:37 PM | #51 |
  people were more in tune with the vibrations of the world than they | roguevalley | Jun-25-08 07:21 PM | #65 |
 How Frightening.... | momster | Jun-25-08 12:51 PM | #21 |
 Guilt makes folks susceptible to mass psychosis. Now, let's see, what are Americans guilty of? nt | patrice | Jun-25-08 12:53 PM | #22 |
 Sounds something like Y2K | treestar | Jun-25-08 01:08 PM | #25 |
 Time is Art! ... | mikelgb | Jun-25-08 01:38 PM | #32 |
  Hah that's my birthday :P Now there are two reasons to declare 7/25 a world holiday n/t | Indenturedebtor | Jun-25-08 09:25 PM | #73 |
 And there's room for only one more Pope's name on the wall in the Vatican! | bif | Jun-25-08 01:48 PM | #35 |
 Little do they know: This apocalypse targets only bunkers and boats!1 n/t | UTUSN | Jun-25-08 01:49 PM | #36 |
  !!!!! | renate | Jun-25-08 10:12 PM | #79 |
 I lean toward the Y2038 Unix clock apocalypse | slackmaster | Jun-25-08 02:07 PM | #37 |
  Ah, but the 64-bit word will take care of that (nt) | bean fidhleir | Jun-25-08 02:54 PM | #42 |
 There will be a few recalcitrants who still use the 31-bit number date format | slackmaster | Jun-25-08 03:08 PM | #45 |
 You're all wrong, Judgement Day is this Friday 27 June, "Veterans' | emad | Jun-25-08 05:28 PM | #64 |
 People are too stupid for words | AngryAmish | Jun-25-08 02:10 PM | #38 |
  . | progressoid | Jun-25-08 02:22 PM | #40 |
 Well, if you need a reason to buy a boat | JustABozoOnThisBus | Jun-25-08 03:06 PM | #44 |
 Ironically, the Dutch are not looking too great if sea level rises dramatically... | truthisfreedom | Jun-25-08 03:14 PM | #47 |
 Global warming and rising seas do put the Netherlands at risk. | yardwork | Jun-25-08 03:32 PM | #49 |
 But..the prophecy says if we throw the weak hearted hunter into the volcano | paparush | Jun-25-08 03:35 PM | #50 |
 Bwahahahaha | dropkickpa | Jun-25-08 03:40 PM | #52 |
 why stockpile supplies if the world is going to end? | Blue_Tires | Jun-25-08 03:40 PM | #53 |
 Y5K panic! n/t | pepperbear | Jun-25-08 03:54 PM | #54 |
 Oh brother. | lonestarnot | Jun-25-08 04:12 PM | #56 |
 And I am wishing on 11:11.... | LeftHander | Jun-25-08 04:46 PM | #60 |
 Self-fulfilling | Papa Boule | Jun-25-08 05:00 PM | #61 |
 Looking at this stuff figuratively is one thing, | riverdeep | Jun-25-08 05:19 PM | #63 |
  I have been to the yucatan several times. | edhopper | Jun-25-08 08:43 PM | #69 |
 Grab your wooden shoes and kiss your ass goodbye? n/t | IanDB1 | Jun-25-08 08:54 PM | #70 |
 I have friends there, and they say Holland is too crowded anyway | DFW | Jun-25-08 09:26 PM | #74 |
 December 21 2012 is when the bears begin their uprising... | ColbertWatcher | Jun-25-08 09:28 PM | #75 |
 The Next 500 Years - | SpiralHawk | Jun-25-08 09:58 PM | #76 |
 If you lived 23 feet BELOW sea level you might have a different perspective | Phred42 | Jun-25-08 10:05 PM | #77 |
 I don't GET IT - if you have a CIRCULAR calendar it eventually has to return to 'year zero' | kineta | Jun-25-08 10:38 PM | #80 |
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