| Indeed it is a "corporatist" move, but the euphemism disguises the evil at the core.
This is fascism, a.k.a. "national socialism," a.k.a. naziism.
And we'd best be calling it what is is, or we won't know what hit us.
Back in early 2000, I wrote to my then-friend regarding the upcoming elections that if booooosh somehow got into the White House, he would become our Hitler. "I don't know who will be his Jews, but he will be every bit as disastrous for the U.S. as Hitler was for Germany and the world."
The analogy wasn't quite accurate, because there are fundamental differences in the physiology and the psychology of Germany 1933 and USA 2000, but I do believe we have moved closer to an equivalency in the past eight years.
What the take-over of Fannie and Freddie does accomplishes NOTHING toward fixing hte economy. NOT A FLIPPIN' THING. The economy remains based on the phoney baloney "wealth" of financial manipulations and not on the actual production of consumable goods and services. Unless and until that part of the economy is put to rights, NOTHING will help the housing market, the jobs market, the manufacturing sector, the infrastructure, or even the mood of the populace. Circuses without bread mean nothing.
I wish we had a statistician here to explain how national polling is conducted, someone who can put to rest my own suppositions as to how the demographic is calculated, how the sample is determined, who gets called, who doesn't, what responses are used and which are discarded. I think then we'd have a better picture of what might happen in the next 57 days. But then again, it all really comes down to what happens on that one single day.
So many of us have virtually nothing to fight back with. And as I said on that awful day almost seven years ago, you cannot expect people who have NO HOPE LEFT to act rationally.
Tansy Gold, clinging to rationality as to a life raft
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